Are you having difficulty choosing between the credit card options that are out there? With all the different interest rates and perks that you can choose from, it’s understandable that the process of choosing one can be overwhelming. Download this worksheet to compare several different credit cards and decide which one is right for you!
Copies of our FREE book are now available in the following locations (while supplies last):
If you manage a local business or organization and would like books to provide to your patrons for free, please contact us at
Credit reports and scores can be confusing to interpret. If you would like help understanding how to read your credit report, our loan officers would be happy to meet with you to show you what it says, what is currently affecting your score, and what steps you can take to improve your score. Schedule an appointment today!
This downloadable PDF from the National Endowment for Financial Education explains the basics of how credit scores work and why it’s important to maintain a credit score.
There’s no question about it: we’re different but in the best way. We make you and your financial well-being our priority.
700 E. Sharon Ave.,
Houghton, MI 49931
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