“Adulting 101: Financial Literacy” Program

We are proud to provide this educational resource to those who will soon enter (or have recently entered) adulthood.  This program is recommended for students age 16-20 who are interested in learning about the expenses that come with adulthood, tips for how to save and manage loans, and how to budget.

All of the materials for this program are free, and you can download the materials below.  The program uses a PDF (which contains the program guide, examples, and worksheets) and a series of YouTube educational videos. The link to the YouTube playlist is linked below, but links are also available in the program folder itself.

Note: If you use the Excel budget template instead of the paper copy, we recommend you complete that portion of the program on a computer rather than a mobile device; it will work on mobile but will be much easier on a desktop.

Program Instructions
  1. Download the program materials.
  2. Complete the program by starting on the first page of the PDF. All of the lesson videos are in a playlist on YouTube, which you can access by scanning the QR code on the first page or by clicking here.

Interested in an exercise where you can practice “adulting” by using a random profession/paystub to complete a realistic budget? Click here to be notified by email when this exercise becomes available.

important update

Our new online banking and mobile app are now live and functional.
Click here to access them today!

Please contact us if you have any questions or difficulty with the conversion.